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View Profile - Profile #ID 38189
Name Golden member
Date of Birth 1979-February-15
Height 5'
Gender Female
Complexion Fair
Language Tamil
Religion Hindu
Caste Kurukulam
Star Hastham
Rasi Kanni
Sevvai for Laknam In 1 - 7 - 8
Sevvai Dhosa paavam 24
Total Kiraga Paavam 28
Native of father jaffina
Father's caste Kurukulam (Karayar)
Native of Mother jaffina
Mother's caste Kurukulam (Karayar)
Marital status Widow(er)
Children None
Education O/L
Occupation Tailoring
Country of Birth Sri Lanka
Country of Residence Sri Lanka
City Jaffina
Resident Status Citizen
Smoker Non-Smoker
Drinker Never drink
Eating Habits Non-Vegetarian
Description Father passed away Mother passed away two brothers in uk another sister married in Sri Lanka
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