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View Profile - Profile #ID 37069
Name bride Z - N/RC
Date of Birth 1984-October-23
Height 5'2"
Gender Female
Complexion Fair
Language Tamil
Religion Christian
Caste Kurukulam
Sevvai for Laknam Not Available
Sevvai Dhosa paavam
Total Kiraga Paavam
Native of father jaffna - Madaththady-gurunagar
Father's caste Kurukulam (Karayar)
Native of Mother jaffna - Madaththady- gurunagar
Mother's caste Kurukulam (Karayar)
Marital status Nullified
Children None
Education Jaffna Higher technologial(SLIATE)
Occupation Accountant
Country of Birth Sri Lanka
Country of Residence Sri Lanka
City jaffna
Resident Status
Smoker Non-Smoker
Eating Habits Non-Vegetarian
Description father - driver, mother - house wife, three sibilings -two brothers one sister
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